Root Canal Therapy 

A root canal is a small channel inside your tooth that provides the tooth with nutrients. If it becomes inflamed due to injury or infection, you will experience pain & may even lose the tooth. At Oak Street Dental North Aurora, we can remedy the problem & restore the damaged tooth, while ensuring that you are as comfortable as possible during the entire procedure. Nowadays, thanks to modern dental advances & technology, root canals are relatively pain-free. Think of a root canal procedure as life-saving first aid for your tooth. Don’t suffer needlessly from a toothache! Call us today for an appointment.

Dental Conditions

Endodontic Abscess

This video provides an overview of how an endodontic abscess forms and progresses, complications that can arise from it, and the importance of consulting with your doctor to properly diagnose and treat it.


Root Canal

This video shows you how root canal therapy can save a tooth with damaged or infected nerves and restore its natural function.

Care & Maintenance

Post-Operative Instructions for A Root Canal

This video shows you what to expect after a root canal procedure, as well as how to ensure proper healing.

Appointments Until 8pm & on Saturdays!

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